Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Weather Report - Mysterious Traveller

Weather Report's most driving music sounds like electrified carnivals and the music of 'Mysertious Traveller' certainly fits that bill pefectly.

01 Nubian Sundance
02 American Tango
03 Cucumber Slumber
04 Mysterious Traveller
05 Blackthorn Rose
06 Scarlet Woman
07 Jungle Book


One of the most glorious music documents ever recorded.


danzadanzi said...

Album WR yg paling gw suka ..it is a Mysertious Travell...dari opening track ni album langsung ngebawa gw ke alam afrika yg mistis namun indah...for me this is a kind of album that have a journey or story in it, sound dari joe zawinul dan perkusi2 serta ambient yang disajikan sangat imaginative!
track favorit :Nubian Sundance,Mysterious Traveller,Scarlet Woman ....dan yg paling indah ditutup dengan Jungle Book.

danzadanzi said...

real thanks for the uploader